Titus 3

I suppose that if we all followed Paul’s advice to Titus most political campaigns would lose 80% of their material.
Do you know why campaigns quarrel, slander and grandstand?   Because we listen to it.  If as Christians we simply tuned out, I can assure you that they would change their tune.  Maybe it’s just me, but our campaign cycles seem to become more and more cynical and negative every time.  I rarely hear anyone spell out what they intend to do…probably because they could be held to it, and they don’t want that level of accountability.
Okay, Okay….that has nothing to do with this passage.   Actually, it does if we think about the first line “submit to government authorities”   In another place in the NT we are encouraged to pray for leaders and those in authority…even if we didn’t vote for them!
It seems that the early church had several sayings that they had memorized which helped guide them in healthy thinking patterns.  It probably helped in sharing the Gospel also.    Anyway, Paul repeats a great one here.   As I read it I am reminded of God’s great love for me, and how the Christian life isn’t possible to live without the constant help of the Holy Spirit
I suppose that “foolish discussions” have sidelined many Christians, and split many churches.  Paul warns us not to get drawn into these circular, frustrating discussions that have no benefit.    Being humble and caring for others will be very helpful in finding ways to disagree agreeably, or to know when it’s time to politely move the discussion toward something more positive.
intent on staying positive,

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