Revelation 16

In one chapter all seven bowls are poured out, and the earth is in turmoil.  When does this happen?  Will there be any Christians here at that time?
In the 14th chapter we read of two collections of people.  One was not described, the other was the result of a great battle where the blood ran deep and wide.  We imply from other chapters that is the battle of Armageddon.   Now, if the battle of Armageddon is to be fought after the 7 bowls are poured out, then the saints of God leave before it happens, or at least before the battle is fought.   We could be here for part of this terrible event, but somehow I don’t think we are.   I don’t think anyone can prove it, but I feel like we leave before this begins.
On the other hand, John offers an encouragement to “stay awake and remain clothed” just before the seventh bowl is poured out.   So, in the last chapter we see people who have been victorious over the devil standing in heaven with harps and we take that to mean that it’s over.  Here we hear John saying “hang in there” and we take that to mean that there are still Christians on the earth.   Bottom line:  we aren’t sure when we all leave.   What we are sure of is that God gives us the strength to resist and be victorious, and that heaven is open and waiting for us to join all our brothers and sisters who have defeated the devil before us.   The devil will fall, as will all those who place their trust in him.
The reason I wonder if there are any Christians left on earth is because there is no mention of praising God and repentance here.  No matter how terrible the plague, people only curse God more.   And then, there is the response of the angels in heaven, who say (my paraphrase)  “This is terrible, but they deserve it because of what they did to your people”.    Okay, that sounds to me like God’s people are gone, and this is more punishment than an attempt to get them to realize His power and repent.
I cannot rule out that God would accept as His own anyone who repented even at this late date, however if they have received the mark of the beast then their hearts are seared, and repentance is no longer possible.    Will anyone who is alive at this stage ever see heaven?   I want to say “I doubt it” and I hope that I am watching the whole thing from inside heaven.
praising God now, preparing for later

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