Matthew 5-7


Well, where do we start with today’s reading? I could write a book on these 3 chapters (actually I think books have been written about each of these three chapters).

There is so much good stuff in here, but I want to focus on the overall picture today. This passage is known at the Sermon on the Mount. These words are at the foundation of what Jesus taught about righteous living. How we are to look at others in a godly manner, how we are to react to others in a godly way, and how we are to seek God.

In the beatitudes, we see Jesus turning the tables. What was thought by mankind to be important is not important in God’s eyes. Those who are blessed are not the elite of the world.  Whoever feels blessed by persecution? But the truth is that when we are attacked, our hearts and minds become intensely focused on God, and we are blessed because we are closer to God during those times.

Jesus also takes the Ten Commandments and says He is not here to abolish the law, but to accomplish their purpose. And so he takes examples from the Law and explains how we should look deeper at its intentions. What needs to happen is a change in attitude, when we change our inner self, we won’t have to worry about our outward actions, because righteous living will come naturally to us. You see, if I can control my lustful thoughts, then I will never have to worry about committing adultery. Jesus is teaching us about getting at the root of the problem.

Where do your thoughts take you, and even further still, what do you subject your mind too? What you dwell on that is what will control your life. (Phillipians 4:8) Think about what is righteous and noble. Don’t flood you mind with disgusting images or dirty talk or gossip or ridicule or disparaging words. Don’t take it in and don’t let your mind take you to dark places. The old computer adage – gigo, garbage in-garbage out; really applies to our minds as well. Are you listening to bad language? Dirty talk, filthy words, then you are probably spewing them out.

Jesus also talks to us about prayer. So here is a thought for you to ponder today, when you start walking down the wrong path of using dirty language and gossip and mean-spirited words to hurt other people, would you ever say those things to Jesus in prayer? Of course not! Or, how would you speak or act or think if Jesus was in the room with you? So, then, how are you living your life each day?

I think what Jesus is telling us is to change what is in our minds and our hearts will follow. Are you willing to do that?


Pastor Kathy

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