The tower came crashing down unexpectedly, and many people died. Then Jesus said this:
“unless you repent, you will die too”. Doesn’t that seem disconnected from the tragedy that just occurred? Don’t fret….it is disconnected, in a good way. We see death as the end. Jesus knows that it isn’t. However, He does see that there is an “end” that occurs beyond death. Listen, this is important: We cannot see the very real danger that lies on the other side of death…because death prevents us from seeing it. But Jesus sees beyond death clearly, and is telling the people what they should be worried about. The real danger is the judgment, where those who don’t know Christ will be separated and thrown into hell. Hell is called the “second death” and from everything I read, it’s permanent. It sounds like Jesus is not being compassionate, when in fact the opposite is true. He could have taken the easy road and told people what they wanted to hear, but instead He warned them of impending danger.
Three Parables: The Fig Tree: encourages us to produce fruit. This is impossible without two things: repentance and infilling of the Holy Spirit. Christians cannot be victorious over sin or be productive unless they do so through the Holy Spirit.
The Mustard Seed: I seems like it means that the message of salvation begins with a few and will eventually spread out over the whole earth. (which it has) A nice parallel is how we hear the message and continue to grow spiritually. (thinking of the fig tree). The Yeast: salvation cannot be compartmentalized in one or two areas of our life. This relationship with Jesus must permeate everything we do, say and think. “Sunday Christians” aren’t really Christians. “Christmas and Easter” Christians aren’t really Christians. This isn’t just my opinion…this is what the Bible is teaching. That’s why Jesus said that on the day of Judgment there would be people who expect to get into heaven who will find the door locked. They will be surprised to learn that they aren’t invited in! This is so sad! There are people who believe that they are saved from their sins simply because they go to church once in a while, or because they identify with other Christians. Genuine Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus that affects every part of your body and your life. Does God have your thought life? How about your leisure time…does He own that? Does He own your wallet? Serious Christianity is the only way into heaven, and the only way we will avoid hell. Sure, there are sacrifices to be made on earth….but they’re worth it!
Praying to be completely surrendered,