Have you ever tried to imagine the incredible awesome power of God?
Our reading continues today with God’s message to several other neighboring countries of Judah and the message is loud and clear, God can destroy any nation on earth. God is an awesome power. His sovereignty is over all. Jeremiah is telling us in poetic form, the powerful force that God will unleash on the evil that exists in the world. We need to understand that God still feels the same way when He looks upon the evil in our world today. What bothers me, is knowing that the countries that turned their backs on God, were ultimately punished, makes me afraid that our nation is falling into the same trap. I pray that for the sake of our country, God will be able to find enough godly people to continue to find favor with the USA.
We as Christians need to stop being afraid of the “politically correct” and start speaking up for our beliefs and not feel like we need to apologize for our love of Christ Jesus and the truth of His Word.
Chapter 50 finds the words of prophecy against Babylon. It answers the question “will God punish the nation that harms His chosen people?” Yes, God will not let this nation, which He used as the punisher for Judah, to go unpunished. They too will experience defeat from another nation that comes from the north. If you remember your history lessons, Babylon is defeated by Cyrus the Great, of Persia. No earthly power, no matter how great can last forever. So like the other nations, Babylon will fall, their pride and feelings of self-sufficiency, Nebuchadnezzar’s belief that he was a god; are all indicators of a nation whose days are numbered.
Pride is one of those root sins, so much of what we do which is wrong or sinful, seems to stem from this one sin. Whenever we put ourselves before God, we suffer from the sin of pride of selfishness. There is a price to pay but praise be to God, that He sent His Son to redeem us from the penalty of our deserved punishment, praise God that Jesus took on my pride, my selfishness, my sin and canceled the debt. I pray that you have accepted Jesus as Lord of your life so that your debt has been cancelled and you have been saved from your sins.
Sharing the message,
Pastor Kathy