So what happens when prophets disagree?
In our reading today, we have a confrontation between Jeremiah and Hananiah. Hananiah tells the people that God will free the exiles within two years. Let’s back up a little and do a time-line of events. During the time of Jeremiah, he serves under Judah’s last five kings, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedikiah. During this time (605BC an 596BC), Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invaded Judah and took many people into captivity (most likely this was when Daniel and Ezekiel were captured) and also many precious items from the temple were taken. The prophecies of Jeremiah came true. It was encouraging to read that some of the people stood up for Jeremiah. Now in our reading today, Hananiah is trying to tell the people, that the exile will only last for two years. The yoke that Jeremiah was using to symbolize to the people their need to submit to Babylon is taken off of Jeremiah by Hananiah and broken in two. Hananiah is trying to lead the people away from God and he is just telling them what they want to hear. After a time, Jeremiah’s message is validated and Hananiah dies before the year is over.
We also read today a letter from Jeremiah to the exiles, encouraging them to live godly lives even in the midst of a pagan society. To pray for the leaders and to be examples to the people around them. When we find ourselves in the midst of an ungodly crowd we need to remind ourselves to not be drawn into the evil around us, but to rise up above it and continue to live as if Jesus were right beside us, as indeed He is. I wonder if Daniel and his friends heard this message. I imagine it would have given them encouragement if they had. And we will read in a few weeks just how well Daniel and others obeyed God even in the face of great pressure to conform.
Pastor Kathy