2 Chronicles 10-12


I’ll bet you noticed that today’s reading is the same story as yesterday’s. Is there anything else we can learn from Rehoboam?

Look at chapter 12 verse 1.  We read that Rehoboam and all of Israel with him abandoned the law of the Lord. Guess what happens to them? Remember the promises God made with the Israelites? God tells them in verse 5, “you have abandoned me, therefore, I now abandon you to Shishak.” So the Shishak, king of Egypt captures the cities of Judah. There is one shining moment for Judah when they humbled themselves before God and so God does not let Shishak destroy them, but he does carry off their treasures. Remember all those gold shields and items for the temple that Solomon had made? Gone. How quickly we lose what we have when we turn our backs on God. But,

for a time, Rehoboam and the people seemed to follow God, but nothing really changed, not in his heart and not in the hearts of God’s people, and so we read that in the end (vs 14) Rehoboam did evil in the eyes of the Lord.

I see it happen many times with people I have known. When the times get bad, they will cry out to God for help, even humbling themselves and making vows (which later they fail to keep). I think of the time when our nation was attacked on 9/11 and how people flocked to the churches out of fear of what was happening. And in just a few years, (maybe even a few months) when nothing else seemed to be happening, people forgot the Lord and went about doing their own thing again. I wonder how many times it will happen here in the United States before we are carried off into exile, like the Israelites? How long before God stops blessing America? As the prophets of old cried out, I feel that God is saying the same things to us. “Repent for the Kingdom of God is near.” Don’t wait too long, now is the time to turn your heart back to God. Or if you never have, do so before it’s too late.

Praying for our Country and its people

Pastor Kathy

PS, if you want to know more about becoming a Christian, about turning your life over to Jesus, please feel free to leave me a message.

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