03/08/24 Update from The Crider Family
Hope this email finds you all well. We are in the beginning stages of the smokey season here. It’s when Myanmar, Thailand and Laos all burn their fields causing really poor air quality. We are so thankful for air purifiers in our house. The weather is also starting to warm up. Our family is doing well and we are plugging along at language studies. Carrie is doing great with Thai and I continue to struggle with Burmese. God has been opening doors for us among the Burmese here. Currently the situation in Myanmar is worsening. There was recently a mandatory draft for all people ages 18-35. There are over 300 burmese students at the local university who do not want to go home due to the fear of being pulled into the war. We started meeting with some of these students and see a huge need for a Burmese campus ministry of some kind. Many of the students have parents in the military and others have parents fighting in the resistance. Such a huge opportunity for the gospel as most have never heard the name of Jesus. Please pray for clarity as we look to pivot in their direction. Pray for soft hearts and open minds to Jesus. We will be returning for home assignment in May of 2025 and are already looking forward to it. We look forward to meeting you all again.
12/2023 Newsletter from Rich & Laurie Sherriff CLICK HERE