Over the next several weeks (on and off) we are going to spend some time reading in the Psalms. Ever wondered just what is a Psalm? (the “p” is silent when you pronounce it). No it is not something found on a tree – that’s a palm. Psalms are a collection of songs that just like songs of today, speak to the heart of our emotions. We cry with the psalms, we get angry and want justice, we quiet our souls and sing of peace, we rejoice in praising the wondrous majesty of God, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Ps 150:6) Psalms is about putting our lives to poetry, to music, in prayer. As we read the Psalms, can you feel the writers pouring out their hearts in total honesty? David, in the psalms we are reading cries out to the Lord to save him, to deliver him from his enemies. “Come quickly to my rescue” (31:2), David wants God to put a stop to those who are trying to kill him. In his distress he recognizes that the only hope he has is to put his trust in the Lord. “my rock and my fortress” (31:3). “On Christ the solid rock I stand”, “a mighty fortress is my God.” Psalms that were echoed by the hymn writers and are repeated in the songs we sing today. Look for the familiar phrases as we sing our praises on Sunday or listen to the music on the radio (or Pandora, or your itunes, or whatever device you are currently using to listen to music). Psalms live on in our hearts today, because they still speak to the same emotions that we have, just as they spoke to the emotions that the psalmists were experiencing.
Singing and praising God today!
Pastor Kathy