When you realize that someone you considered a friend, perhaps even a close friend, has been working against you behind your back it has a way of sapping your strength and destroying your confidence. David is betrayed by his own son…and perhaps others as well.
This may seem strange, but I find myself wondering this morning “how often do the wicked people win?” It’s as if they never stop concocting plans to stop or reverse the activities of the godly. They work behind the scenes to get prayer taken out of school, then they argue to have the 10 commandments removed from the courthouse, then any mention of God is sanitized from the official record…while all the time these same people are happy to see false religions enjoy special privileges.
David was betrayed by a close friend, several, in fact. His son and a few other key leaders were making a run for the throne. And they were doing a good enough job that David is running for his life.
As I sit here reading, I realize that I feel betrayed by my leaders. This country was founded on Christian principles and doctrines. Our form of government only works if those involved espouse godly characteristics. The name and blessing of God is invoked in all of our formative documents, no one can contest this…..we began as a Christian nation. Our purpose in establishing this land was to create a place where God could be worshipped without government interference, not to create a place where any religion could find fertile ground…only Christianity. Over the years we have made some grievous errors, and done some things that we should be ashamed of. But we haven’t ever tried to free ourselves from the yoke of Christianity until recent days. Now, our leaders sign legislation into law that directly conflicts with our beliefs.
As a Christian, I find myself surrounded by people who hate me because of what I stand for, who hate me without cause, and who would try and take my life it the smallest encouragement to do so was offered. Within my own family there are people who dislike me because of what I choose to believe.
Let’s face it, in some way all of us can relate to what David is saying here. Betrayal stings. It cuts deep and even if you survive it leaves scars. No one wants to be betrayed, it’s one of our fears…that others will let us down.
So when that very thing happens to David, and the wicked seem to be winning the battle, he doesn’t become angry and wage war. He immediately cries out to God for help…and as I read his passages today I wonder if God didn’t reassure him of His favor right in the middle of his writing. If you look, you will notice that as he writes, the mood changes. I wonder if that’s because God is supplying new perspective, reassurance and hope, and whatever else David needs at the moment.
So David sits down to pour our his heart, and rises to praise God for His many blessings, both now and in the future.
Again, as I sit here this morning, I realize that the wicked who plot against Christianity haven’t won anything. The battle is already decided in God’s favor, even if I don’t win a single war, or a single argument, we still win the war. Evil will absolutely be defeated.
As hard as it is to cope with betrayal, this knowledge brings a measure of peace, and allows me to speak with confidence and optimism.