Pastor Rick

2 Chronicles 27, Isaiah 9-12

It used to bother me that the Bible would repeat itself from time to time.  But these days when I am trying to remember what I am reading it seems to be a helpful memory aid.   Who knows, maybe that’s why God inspired the authors to write the same thing several times.


Amos 6-9

Amos was a crossover prophet.  He spoke to both Israel and Judah about the impending disaster.  It would appear that no one listened in either place.


Amos 1-5

This is what I like about a Bible reading program.  When else would you read Amos?


Isaiah 5-8

Isaiah has the God given ability to foresee the future, and what he shares isn’t good.  And how the people react to what he shares just makes God more angry.


Isaiah 1-4

Here’s something sorta neat…I have been trying to keep the names of all these kings straight in my head.  So this time when I read the first several lines of the opening of Isaiah it made sense for the first time!


2 Kings 15, 2 Chronicles 26

I learn a couple of valuable things today.  We don’t always get the whole story when we are reading….and today in 2 Kings that is obvious.


Jonah 1-4

In addition to this very popular account of Jonah, he is also responsible for another significant event that you won’t find recorded in this text.   Would you like  to know what it is?


2 Kings 14, 2 Chronicles 25

Those who do not know (or study) their history are bound to repeat  it.    Such seems to be the case with each concurrent king.  Isn’t there a single one that is wise enough to deduce that obedience to God is necessary for success/victory?


2 Kings 12-13, 2 Chronicles 24

He was raised by a godly priest, and never had any contact with his evil parents.  So when he began to rule he was righteous and God blessed him.  That however, is not the end of the story…


2 Kings 9-11

Here’s a quick heads up for you:  If you have been following the names of the kings from the north and south and trying to keep them straight (like I have), then today’s reading may have you as confused as I was….until I did some quick research and found out that there were kings of the same name in the north and south (like Ahaziah).   And, Jehoram and Joram might be the same person….wow.


Pastor Kathy