We read today about the people complaining and then having to suffer the consequences of their complaint. Snakes. Yikes. In order to stop the snakes’ venom from killing them Moses makes a bronze snake and puts it on a pole and lifts it up where everyone is to look at. In John 3:14 -15, Jesus mentions this very act of Moses and says that He too will be lifted up. One act brings physical healing, the other brings eternal healing. So the message is simple, look at the serpent and live, look at Jesus and live.
Also in our reading, this large group of people are traveling around many different countries and territories and they ask to be allowed to pass through, but the people of the land refuse and so they are called upon to defend themselves or to fight their way through. This journey that they are on is filled with many hardships, lack of food and water, people trying to attack you and destroy you. Their physical journey mirrors our own faith journey. We often feel like we don’t have enough spiritual food or drink, and there are many attacks by the evil one that we face on a daily basis that we must battle against. But the journey of faith is also filled with God’s provisions and His protection. We just have to look to Christ on the cross that is lifted high for us to see and so have strength to face the challenges that lie ahead.