Matthew 24

Every time I say “I’m not sure exactly how to interpret End Times prophecy” Someone will share with me what they believe, as if it’s the only possible way to see it.   It makes me laugh….I used to do the same thing.
Jesus said that no stone would be left on top of another when the temple was destroyed.  That has happened, and the temple remains destroyed to this day.  However if you look down to verse 15 He warns the people that they should “run” when they see the abomination standing in the Holy place.   Unless their is another Holy place beside the Temple (I’m not aware of it) then one of two things must be true: 1. this happened before the Temple was torn down  2. the Temple will be rebuilt.
I have to lean toward the second, because of the language in the paragraph beginning with verse 15 where it says “the time of that calamity will be shortened for the sake of the chosen ones (elect)”.  The tribulation mentioned by Daniel in Chapter 8 and 12 has two different lengths, one is shorter by 4 months…the reason for which could be right here in Matthew.    It seems that Jesus is saying the abomination will stand inside the Holy Place, within the temple, very near the end of time.   The AntiChrist puts an end to the daily sacrifices halfway through the 7 year treaty…and they could only be offered inside the temple.
Key thoughts:
1.  the tribulation is shortened for the sake of the elect.  That sounds like the elect will be here, right?   Maybe no rapture “up front”
2.False prophets and false Messiahs will produce miraculous signs, but it sounds like the elect will not be deceived.   If anyone comes claiming to be Christ we can instantly know He is false, since Christ describes His return “on the clouds”.   Anyone appearing a different way is a pretender.
3.  Verse 31 says that the chosen are gathered after the “anguish of those days”, and even after the stars have fallen from the sky.
4. No one knows when Christ will return, it will be unexpected.   Which is really mysterious, because I would expect it if I saw a new Temple being erected.   So either the temple is erected and nothing happens for a while, or there isn’t going to be another temple.
5. We have to be ready “all the time” because only those who are ready when the Master returns will be taken with Him.    Verse 12 says we must endure until the end.   I think we may need to take that literally.
6. Verses 10-12 talk about Christians turning away and the love of many “growing cold”.  It sounds like some Christians will abandon their faith, and surrender their salvation.
7.  Some of what is mentioned here has already happened when Jerusalem fell and the disciples were persecuted.  In fact, much of it is still happening today.   Verse 9 says “you will be hated because you are my followers”.   As I write this, a man was recently killed for gunning down a large group of Christians in a Texas Church.   Christians are under attack in the very nation they helped to found.