Jesus casts out demons and warns against slandering the Holy Spirit. There is a theme here I didn’t recognize before.
Words have power. Think of it from God’s perspective for a minute: The entire creation came into being by the spoken word, the only time hands were used was when mankind was created. Moses got into trouble with God when he was supposed to speak to the rock, and used his staff instead. That event was meant to be a display of the power of the Word, and Moses introduced the staff into it. (Numbers 20). John 1 tells us that Jesus is the Living Word, the Voice of God in human form. Many times Jesus heals simply by speaking, demonstrating the power of the spoken word. This we can know for certain: words have power. Now think about verse 36 and 37 that say “you must give account of every idle word”. If words were meaningless, then no accounting of them would be necessary, but since they are the chosen instrument of God for shaping the universe and displaying power, an accounting must be given.
Words have power. Think of it from God’s perspective for a minute: The entire creation came into being by the spoken word, the only time hands were used was when mankind was created. Moses got into trouble with God when he was supposed to speak to the rock, and used his staff instead. That event was meant to be a display of the power of the Word, and Moses introduced the staff into it. (Numbers 20). John 1 tells us that Jesus is the Living Word, the Voice of God in human form. Many times Jesus heals simply by speaking, demonstrating the power of the spoken word. This we can know for certain: words have power. Now think about verse 36 and 37 that say “you must give account of every idle word”. If words were meaningless, then no accounting of them would be necessary, but since they are the chosen instrument of God for shaping the universe and displaying power, an accounting must be given.
Think of it this way: A police officer is given 18 rounds of ammunition when he begins his shift. At the end of his shift he is required to give account for every single round. If he returns with 17 rounds, you can bet there will be a pile of paperwork necessary to document where, why and how that single round of ammunition went. That’s because each round has power, and can be dangerous if used incorrectly.
Jesus is saying the same thing. Words have power and we will have to give account of the manner in which we used them. We are created from the DNA of God, making us unique in all creation. Because of that, we have the capability to use words in the same way our Father uses words. A parrot may mimic language, but it will not be held accountable for it. You and I will be called to give account, because we are the receptacle and delivery system of the most powerful force in the universe…the spoken word.
When you speak, remember this. Speak life and health and peace. Speak victory and healing. Speak and cause the demons to flee. Speak and reveal the most precious, wonderful news ever heard, that Christ has provided for salvation from sin. Speak and let others know the curse has been lifted and heaven is now available to those once condemned. Speak carefully, speak lovingly, speak honestly and humbly. Speak aloud and recognize that when you do you are being like Jesus, your father.
But whatever you do, don’t speak carelessly. Don’t speak against the very power that created you and gave you life. To my way of thinking the Holy Spirit is the unspoken Word of God. The power of God before it is uttered. The Spirit gives voice. When creation happened, the Spirit was hovering over the waters and God spoke the words “let there be light” through the Spirit. It is through the Spirit we utter any spiritual word. Demons cannot be driven out unless it’s through the Spirit, healing cannot occur, etc. unless the Spirit inhabits the words. To speak against the very power that is all power dooms us.
Thinking back to Pharisees reaction to the demon possessed man, this idea of not speaking against the very thing that created you is what Jesus was referring to. A human cannot speak against the Spirit and expect that there will be no consequences. The very act divides the house, and that cannot be sustained.
Words spoken against the very thing that gives words power creates a “feedback loop” that destroys the person.
Watching carefully what I say,