Just another thought here too. Do you notice a parallel between Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration and Moses on Mount Sinai? It seems as if Mark wants us to understand that Jesus is the new authority, just as Moses had been given his authority on Mount Sinai, when he received the Ten Commandments. There is no doubt after the Transfiguration who has all authority. God tells them; Peter, James and John… “Listen to him!” When Jesus, the Son of God speaks, everyone should listen.
Peter wants to have this moment last… as we all do, when we have our mountaintop experiences. But like all mountaintop experiences… they must come to an end. And so does this event for Peter, James and John. When the three disciples look up again, it is over; no Moses, no Elijah, no Cloud…. All that is standing there is Jesus. Jesus calls to them and leads them down the hill. And back into the real world they must go. They are left with many questions and wonder just what “rising from the dead” could mean.
I wonder if this event helped Jesus to prepare for the valley of the shadow of death, that lays before Him?
Jesus is again confronted by a desperate father who want to have his child healed but apparently the disciples were unable to drive the demon out of the young boy. Jesus questions the father about his faith and the man answers Jesus with great honest. “I do believe, help me to overcome my unbelief.” There have been times in my life when I can honestly say that I had doubts, or I was unsure about what I could believe would happen. But this verse has always helped me to realize that even my doubts can be helped by the power of the Holy Spirit. I don’t have to have an enormous amount of faith… I just need to pray for strength and put my trust in the one who has the power to see me through.
Trusting in Him
Pastor Kathy