Second look at the Parable of the Soils, Crossing the Galilee…
I noticed in this reading the specific mention of a farmer sowing seed. The seed is the Word of God, and Jesus is the one sowing it. That would line up with the next parable in vs. 26-29 about the growing seed. We know Jesus is the farmer because the farmer is the one who returns to harvest the crop. So if Jesus is sowing the seed and harvesting it, what’s our purpose? When Jesus was ascending to heaven after the resurrection, He gave his disciples this command “Go and make disciples of all nations…” which is an extension of what Jesus himself was doing while he was here. Jesus made disciples, more than the 12 although we don’t hear about the rest of them. Actually several of the 12 we don’t really know much about. Jesus, as the original sower of the seed gives us the mission to sow seed in every part of the world. He will return for the harvest, and we will be raised from the dead to be with Him in the air. So in that way we will be present for the reaping of the harvest as well.
Just one thought on the crossing of the Sea: The disciples were terrified when they saw a demonstration of the Lord’s power over nature. The very definition of what they knew was “real” was being challenged. People cannot control the ocean, but Jesus can, therefore….He must not be human? Of course we know that Jesus was 100% human, and completely filled with the Holy Spirit and aware of His true spiritual identity. While it seems acceptable for us today, having been raised with this as reality, it was foreign to the disciples. In fact, we’ve heard it so many times the whole account is attributed to make-believe and tall tales. I say that because I don’t see many people living as if the Holy Spirit can and will work powerfully through them. In fact, when I bring up the idea of it there are several eyes that sparkle, but others seem to glaze over. Those whose eyes glaze over cannot conceive of genuine healing by the power of God alone. You know what we need? A big storm that threatens to swamp our boat…then when God answers our cry we will once again believe.
I am believing now and not waiting for the storm!