Mark 13


Have you ever heard the expression… in the meantime?
It’s one of those phrases that we say (at least I do) but it sounds odd when you write it out. What is meantime? – is that like when my brothers used to pick on me – all the time??? So anyway I looked it up to see what it actually means. I guess it originate in the 14th century and the word “mean” is a math term that defines something in the center of – or in-between. So meantime is the time between two points of time. Well, what does that have to do with our reading for today you may ask? So… let me tell you.
Jesus is talking about the end times here and what he is saying is that between now – when Jesus is crucified and resurrected and the time of the end… we should stay alert. Keep Watch!!!
What we should be aware of, is that every moment of our lives should have meaning. We should devote ourselves to the purpose of not putting off the important things, like our relationship with Jesus and with others. If we are watchful, we won’t be caught off guard. Life may present us with many uncertainties, but one thing remains for sure, that Jesus loves us and will one day return to us to take us to be with Him in Heaven.  So the question for us is, “Am I prepared for what is coming?” Helmut Thielick, was a Christian preacher who spoke during World War II. You can imagine what the world looked like during this time… he must have (along with the rest of his congregation) thought how can this be any worse? And so he said, “This is no longer a mist-covered landscape into which I peer anxiously because of the sinister events which will dare befall me. Everything is now different. We do not know what will come. But we know who will come. And if the last hour belongs to us, we do not need to fear the next minute” (from The Silence of God, Eerdmans, 1962).

No matter how bad this world might get… wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, betrayals, executions, abominations… Jesus is telling us that God is still in control. And in the meantime, we just need to stay true to Him. And Watch!

Ever Watchful and Waiting

Pastor Kathy