Luke 17:11 – 18:14

Jesus offered some clues as to what the world would look like when He returned.   Will His return catch Christians off guard?
We should chat about the rapture.
However, there is another topic in front of it, and that concerns the lepers who were healed.  10 are healed, one returns to thank God.   Where were the other 9?  Probably still on their way to the priests, as Jesus had commanded.   Why wasn’t the ninth man headed toward the priests?   He was a Samaritan, who didn’t believe in worshipping in Jerusalem in the first place.    One of the incredible things about this story is the Samaritan man.   Jesus is healing everyone, even some people who aren’t remotely Jewish.   He even heals the daughter of a Roman soldier, the very people who are oppressing the Jews.   He is healing tax collectors and other disreputable people, as well as religious leaders and upstanding people of the community.    So the fact that a Samaritan is healed isn’t shocking.  What’s shocking is that Jesus tells him to go to the priests and present himself.   That’s strictly Jewish, and the Samaritan isn’t Jewish.  Jewish law states that you cannot be reunited with your family until you are pronounced clean by the priests.   All 10 men were healed on their way to the priests, but only one was pronounced “healed” a second time by Jesus.   So either Jesus is fulfilling the role of the Priest, or He is pronouncing the man forgiven of his sins.  Either way, Jesus also is working “within” the Law of Moses…which the priests operate under.    It’s a reminder that the Law will not cease to exist, but Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law, so some parts of it are no longer required after His death and resurrection.
Okay, onto the tantalizing part, the coming of God’s Kingdom.   This section mentions the rapture, the exact time of which is what really baffles us.    I think we can all agree that Christ’s Kingdom began when He began to preach repentance and salvation.  The gates to this new kingdom were opened to everyone when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.  Up until that time the invitation was extended to the Jews only.  As the chosen people, they had the privilege of entering before the gates were opened to all others.   Anyway, the kingdom of heaven is here and now.  
The second issue concerns Christ’s return to  take all who have “become residents” of His  kingdom back to heaven with Him.   Just exactly when will that return be, you ask?    Let’s examine a few clues:
1.  It will happen very quickly, like lightning flashing across the sky….and it will be everywhere at once
2.  It will be unannounced, people will be having parties, celebrating, planting fields and going about normal business.   It will be just like what happened in Noah’s day, or in Lot’ day.     In both of those instances, the Lord acted quickly and there was no time to repent once the people realized what was happening.
3.  If you hesitate on that day, you will be lost.
4.  It will be selective.   Some will be taken and others will be left.   Those taken will be right next to those who are left, but the ones left will not have the opportunity to go.   That’s how fast this will happen.
Much has been written about the rapture, and most of it is speculation.  The most tantalizing morsel dangled by the movie producers and some ministers is the idea of a “second chance” to enter heaven.   Don’t get me wrong, I hope the God offers second and third chances to enter heaven.  I really don’t want to see anyone go to hell.   Since heaven is perfect, let’s all go there and leave the pettiness of this world behind.  In heaven we can all be friends.
The problem with second chances is that I don’t see one in Lot’s day…and I don’t see one in Noah’s day.   Jesus specifically said that “it will be like the days of Noah, or Lot”.   Well, in their day there was no second chance.  Many people probably beat on the door of the Ark, but it never opened again.   Many people  probably cried out to the Lord from wicked Sodom, but they were destroyed.   In fact, one of the people who was in the process of being saved was destroyed because she hesitated.     I wonder if Christians will have a momentary inkling that the rapture is upon them?   Something that no one who is unsaved can discern, and something that only lasts long enough for us to say “Yes, Lord”.?     (Now who’s wandering off the pages of Scripture into theater …?)
Will the rapture be BEFORE the tribulation?   You would almost think so, right?   How could it be during the tribulation if it’s unexpected?  As soon as we recognize that the tribulation has begun everyone will be expecting the rapture.   Churches  will be packed, every sermon will be on repentance and making sure your faith and election is confirmed.    On the other hand, the book of Revelation clearly shows God’s people on the earth during a part of the tribulation.   This has led some scholars  to suggest that we can have both…the unexpected return of Christ and Christians on the earth later ….by way of the “second chance”. 
May I suggest another possibility?  Get ready, this might seem radical:   We won’t know the tribulation period has begun, and those who do recognize it will not have credibility with the masses to convince them to repent.     Think of this:  Noah was a preacher of righteousness.   He most likely stood on the Ark that God was building and told the people that God was going to destroy the earth.   He likely warned them it was going to happen, and they were standing right in front of this huge vessel (nothing like it had ever been built before) and still missed it.     Noah had no credibility with them.
I believe that those whom the Holy Spirit inhabits (all Christians) will sense that the time is near, and will “press in” to learn more, and be closer to the Lord than ever before.     And when the door to heaven is open, they won’t hesitate to walk in.  They won’t look back, they won’t say “hold the door” while they run back for their cell phone or a bag of chips.   Christians will see the open door, or Christ appearing in the sky…and will quickly flock to him without hesitating.   In fact, we all know that hesitating will accomplish nothing….those who are lost when Christ appears are already lost.  It will be too late.
I don’t think most will recognize the beginning of the tribulation for what it really is, and those who do will announce it loudly,  but will be laughed down by unbelievers, and even rebuked by some teachers from within the  church who are themselves deceived.    Men who appear to be wise leaders of Christianity will appear on talk shows and on the news proclaiming that this is not the Biblical event….and no one will know any different until it’s too late.     In that way, people will go about their celebrations and parties, and plantings…..right up until the time that Christ appears.
I don’t think we will avoid the entire tribulation, I think Christ will return sometime after it has begun, and before it’s over.    Then again, when Christ returns…it’s over.
If I were you, I would head for the Ark.   I’m almost positive that it’s beginning to rain.