One thing that really stood out for me in today’s reading was how many times God reminds us that He is God Alone. We must never look to any other God. That is why it is so important for us to not try to meld all the gods of this world into saying we are all worshipping the same god. Unless we are worshiping the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we are worshipping a false god. We also must be careful of creating idols. Many times this message is repeated throughout the scriptures. Why? Because, just like stubborn children, we don’t seem to listen or understand the importance of this.
Also, as I was reading today’s scriptures, it occurred to me that God is using the two best motivator we have as humans to get us to be obedient, reward and punishment. Curses and blessings. Have you ever thought about what motivates you to do the things you do or which way motivates you more? Do you like to be rewarded or do you fear punishment? God tells His people, do these things and you will be blessed beyond belief, don’t follow my commands and… well, watch out.
In the coming weeks, we will see how true this is. When the Israelites listen to God, things go well for them, when they don’t – the end up being punished. What God promises, He will do.