February 13, 2016 (Saturday)
The reading for today seems filled (at least in my oversensitive opinion) with barbaric ritual. Sacrificing animals and burning them, shedding their blood; all of that is hard for me to think about. I even have a hard time with slaughtering animals for food, but I know that it has to happen. (Especially if I want to eat meat and I do.)
And if God commands it, then there must be a reason for sacrifice and yes there is.
If you remember back to the fall of man – Adam and Eve in the garden, and the fact that after they discovered they were naked, God had to slaughter an animal to clothe them, well I hope you see the connection between these two events. Animals are sacrificed because of our sin, our disobedience. In Hebrews 9:22, we read that “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.” Now, with the old sacrificial system, over and over again, animals (perfect – without blemish) had to be sacrificed, but praise God that this was only part of the plan for redemption. The fulfillment of the law is found though the once and for all, all sufficient sacrifice of Jesus – the perfect lamb of God.
My hope and prayer for today is to realize just what sin has caused to take place – my sin, your sin, everyone’s sin. You know I said I don’t like the thought of animals being sacrificed, but what about the perfect lamb of God? Every time I think of what Jesus endured for me, my heart cries and I wish I could take back the sin I just committed, but my heart also sings with praise, for knowing that Jesus died for me… and you, that we might live with Him for all eternity, if we only accept Him and believe.
Blessings on the day!