Well, there is nothing in this passage of scripture that speaks to me of a holy people, following the will of a Holy God. Wow, today’s story is worse than the last episode of NCIS that I just watched, I thought we Americans were pretty bad but wow. In these few chapters there is rape, murder, revenge, disobedience, rash vows, kidnapping. Where is God in all of this?
Oh He is there, even in our depraved and sinful world, God is still here. He sees us, even if we fail to see Him. Even though someone might not believe in God, that He doesn’t exist, their disbelief doesn’t make it true. Just because I can’t see something doesn’t mean it’s not there.
We get so caught up in trying to prove the existence of God, when in reality He is and He exists whether we prove it or not, whether we believe it or not.
I watch a lot of CSI or Forensic File type shows (I know, you don’t have so say anything) anyway, there are times when the “facts” are just not strong enough to convict someone of murder. It doesn’t mean that the murder the didn’t happen, it just means there isn’t enough facts or physical evidence. The case goes “cold” and is put on the shelf. Years later they are able to prove that a person was in fact the murderer. Did anything change? Not really – the truth was there the whole time.
So as we come to the end of the reign of the Judges, we see that Israel has a hard time staying true to God. “Everyone did as he saw fit. Or everyone did evil in the eyes of the Lord.”
So what can we learn from this book of the bible? God is always there, even when we fail, when we turn our backs on Him. We have learned that people are weak, they are easily lead astray. People need a strong leader, they need a God-honoring leader that is humble and has a servant’s heart. Where are we going to find someone like that?
Well, join me on our continuing trek through the Old Testament and see what else is in store for us.