After God speaks once, Job repents and apologizes for what he said. But it’s God’s response that still has people talking…
Three significant things happen in these last three chapters: 1. Job repents 2. God reveals 3. God blesses.
So let’s discuss those three things briefly.
Why does Job have to repent? In his own words he was criticizing God. I think it’s okay if we wonder why God is allowing something to happen to us, and maybe even if we have questions for God about why we are in the circumstances we are….but we clearly aren’t permitted to become critical about it. I think Job must have crossed the line between humility and righteous indignation.
Even though Job has repented, God still says “brace yourself I am going to question you”. Why? Job has already admitted that he spoke out of turn. Why pick on the poor guy anymore…let’s not forget he is racked with pain and reeling from losing everything he ever possessed, picked on by his friends and now…rebuked by God himself. Why kick the poor guy when he’s down?
It looks like that, right? But that’s not what’s happening. Job now knows enough to be quiet before God, and when the Lord is done speaking Job will humbly repeat his request for forgiveness. In the meantime, God is doing something really amazing…he is giving Job (and all of us because of Job) a huge glimpse into his character, and his creation. God reveals that He is proud of all that He has made, and takes delight in it. He mentions animals here that no longer walk the earth, which is very helpful for those who struggle with the idea of dinosaurs living alongside people. Clearly God is talking about a large dinosaur, like a Brontosaurus…not a hippopotamus. The hippo has a tiny tail, so the description almost fits, but not quite.
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Even when we have fallen short of God’s glory, and not behaved in the way we should, God still chooses to reveal himself to us as He forgives us and restores us. He has revealed secrets about the things He created, and now He reveals part of His character.
God restores Job because he repents. He restores Job’s friends even though they said incorrect things about Him. God loves to forgive and bless. That’s part of His character. In fact, I think God finds our humble confession and plea for help almost irresistible. He loves us so much, that He is predisposed to help us.
God blesses Job with twice as much as he had before. Some will say that this isn’t a real account of a person who actually lived, but rather a fable that is meant to teach us to never question God. Somehow I doubt that is true. I don’t think a fable would have survived along with the text. I think that it’s an actual account that survives to teach us a lesson about humility during times of trial. Along the way we learn something about forgiveness, love, compassion, creation, restoration and blessing as well. The Lords blessing to Job is a confirmation that he has God’s favor. It isn’t a requirement of God to bless us, it’s an example of His grace. Unmerited favor from God, that’s what we receive.
Let’s remember to be grateful for God’s grace, and receive it for what it is. Let’s never become proud, arrogant or entitled, because those things are not favored by God.