What does God want the people to do? What does God always want His people to do?
You know it, love Him, repent and return to Him. Put God first, get rid of the things that hinder your walk with God. It was no different for the Israelites than it is for us. The message is the same. In today’s reading Jeremiah recognizes the enormity of the people’s sins and the coming destruction if they fail to repent. Jeremiah recognizes that even though the people may have gotten rid of the idols as commanded by Josiah, there is still wickedness in the land. Their hearts have not changed. It is one thing to take steps to force morality on people, but if the heart has not undergone a transformation, then there is really no change. Remember God sees the heart of man.
Among the many warnings that we read from Jeremiah is one that is against the false prophets. He says in 5:12 “They have lied about the Lord, they said, ‘He will do nothing! No harm will come to us; we will never see sword or famine.’” In other words, they are telling the people what they want to hear and not the truth.
I feel they are like the preachers of today, that don’t call people to accountability for their actions. We want to think that what we are doing is right, that it’s ok to sleep together before marriage, or live together. That marriage can be between people of the same gender. That drinking to excess is alright. That not disciplining our children or teaching them right from wrong is better for them mentally. That there are no consequences for our actions, God would never punish you. But the plain simple truth is that no matter how you try to change God’s laws, or morph them into saying something that they do not, truth is truth and lies are lies, you can’t fool God.
We need to look to Jesus for what is true. And no matter how much you try to justify a lie, it is still a lie. Jeremiah knew this and his message is filled with truth, even at the cost of such great hardship and alienation for him, he didn’t waver, he didn’t compromise.
Sharing God’s Word
Pastor Kathy