James 5

Why does James make it sound like it’s a bad thing to have money?   The answer will surprise you.
If you have been reading along, you know that in the last chapter James spoke out against trusting in self, and putting self before God.   Desiring to please yourself, or choosing to do what YOU want even when it goes against what GOD wants,  is sin.  That’s the last verse in chapter 4.
Money itself isn’t bad, but many who are wealthy are simply feeding their own desire for luxury.   Let me explain before you throw me out of town….
What James is talking about can be true of someone regardless of how much money they have.  However in His case, it was the wealthy people in town who were persecuting the poor.   Before you tune me out, consider this:   it is entirely possible that our capitalist system that says “making a profit (or more profit) even at the expense of others is acceptable” is wrong.   There’s nothing wrong with earning a living, but if you are becoming “filthy rich” while the people under you are suffering for it, you belong in the category of those James was talking about.
The wealthy were abusing the poor.  News flash:  it’s happening in America today, even as we speak.   And you’re reading someone who considers themselves a Republican.   But setting titles aside, enough is enough.   The separation between the wealthy and the working class has become unacceptable.   We have created an aristocracy that will do or say anything to stay in power, all because they love wealth and power.   That’s who James is speaking about.
Then James turns his face to those who have less.  I love this part, because by U.S. standards, this would be me.   (and by world standards I rank with the wealthy…so I need to be careful)
James says “be patient, be courageous, don’t grumble….your time of wealth is coming”.   Keep it all in perspective, folks.  Those who have little rely more upon Jesus, which means they have more than the wealthiest person on earth.   It’s really all about access, and the poor have greater access to Jesus.
Here’s a surprise for you:   you don’t have to be financially broke to have that kind of access, only spiritually “poor”.   The humble are those who receive from God, regardless of how much worldly wealth they have acquired. 
The humble devoted servants can go to their Heavenly Father and see miracles performed.
When the righteous pray, powerful forces of heaven are unleashed.     How much money would it take to do that?
You’re right,…..it’s priceless.
In search of the deeper, more selfless walk with Jesus,

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