Genesis 4 -7


What struck me about today’s reading was the line that said (they) “…went in as God had commanded him and the Lord shut him in.” (7:16).

Can you imagine what the sound of that door closing would have indicated? It was a good bye to everything they knew. Everyone they knew. I’m sure many of us have pulled up roots and moved away from family and friends, but we can still talk to them, visit with them… there is still always the possibility of going back. But not for Noah and his family.

But also, that door closing was the sound of the Lord’s salvation. They would be saved from the flood, from the wrath of God. They would be safe and secure on that ark that would keep them dry and warm, while the rest of the world perished.  Noah and his family would have a chance to start all over again, a new beginning.

When we make our commitment to turn our lives over to God we should be grateful for the sound of the door closing on our sinful life, for the security that we can feel resting in the arms of God. There is joy in starting over, in having a new beginning.

I pray that if you haven’t made the choice to turn your life over to God, that you won’t waste another moment – life is so uncertain, don’t take the risk of being left in the flood waters.
