Ok, I’ve been singing “dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones, now hear the word of the Lord” ever since reading this passage.
Of course that great Negro Spiritual was about this passage of scripture. How amazing God is to use such an illustration as this to show us just how dead we are – how useless and dried up we are without God’s Spirit giving us life. God promises us this Spirit in Joel 2:28-29. “I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.”
I think of the time Jesus came to the disciples after the crucifixion and resurrection, how He stood before them and breathed His Spirit into them. (John 20:22). This is the only way that we can truly be alive. Without the Holy Spirit living in us, we are nothing more than a bunch of dried and useless bones. We have been given this great gift, we just need to receive it and hold on to it. Our lives will have so much more meaning and we will find that when this body of ours ceases to exist, our spirit will continue to live on with the Holy Spirit.
Singing God’s Praises
Pastor Kathy