Haggai 1-2


Haggai is given word from God that it is beyond time for the Jews to start rebuilding the Temple. He asks the question, “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins?”

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Ezra 4-6, Psalm 137


What should be done when God’s house is neglected?

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Ezra 1-3


Ezra brings the message of restoration. Cyrus, king of Persia, grants permission for the exiles to return to Jerusalem and to start the work of rebuilding.

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Daniel 10-12


Daniel concludes today with visions pertaining to the end times.

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Daniel 7-9


We begin our reading today, with Daniel, (who we know is a very a godly prophet and a man of unshakable faith), who has been given a dream or vision that greatly disturbs him.

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Daniel 4-6


Do you remember that the prophet, Jeremiah had said God would use Nebuchadnezzar to be His instrument in bringing punishment to the Israelites?

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Daniel 1-3


So what do you do when you want to follow God, but you are in a place that prevents you from following your heart?

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Joel 1 – 3


Joel is another of the minor prophets who speaks to us at a certain time in history to an issue that is taking place in the life of God’s chosen people.

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Ezekiel 46-48


Ezekiel finishes with a very powerful message. “And from that day the name of the city will be ‘The Lord Is There.’”

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Ezekiel 44-45


So what Temple is Ezekiel seeing in his vision? I started wondering if this was the temple that would be rebuilt after the exiles returned, or is he talking about a future temple (future for us) yet to be built?

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