John 10:22-42

Hey! I saw something interesting today; John the Baptist was set apart by God from birth, and filled with the Spirit, AND Jesus himself said that “among men born of women there isn’t anyone greater than John”…and yet John, the Spirit-filled, prophecy fulfilling prophet….never performed a miracle. Read more…

Luke 10

There are 5 different topics in this chapter, let’s take minute to look at each one individually. Read more…

John 10a

The first 21 verses of Chapter 10.  Jesus the Good Shepherd. Read more…

John 9

There are some similarities between physical and spiritual blindness.  Jesus points out a few here. Read more…

John 8

Jesus often did things that didn’t seem to make sense.  Here he lets a guilty woman go, and causes a crowd who believes in him to hate him. Read more…

John 7

The contrasts between those who believe and those who don’t are on display in this chapter Read more…

Matthew 18

There’s a  world of difference between child-like and childish…one will prepare you for heaven, and the other…well, not so much.
Read more…

Luke 9:28-62

The Cost of Following Jesus Read more…

Mark 9

The first verse of this chapter is as important as any other part of the text.   One sentence conveys a powerful truth. Read more…

Matthew 17

I recently was moved by the Spirit to take another look at the Transfiguration of Christ. Read more…