John 14-17
An enormous amount of material here, and no way to get through it all and do any justice to it. So, I think that I will make a few notes on some of the significant points in each chapter. Just enough to help me remember, and apply it to my life.
Matthew 26, Mark 14
Today’s reading seemed long…I suspect that’s just because we are covering some events that I don’t want to think about.
Matthew 24
Every time I say “I’m not sure exactly how to interpret End Times prophecy” Someone will share with me what they believe, as if it’s the only possible way to see it. It makes me laugh….I used to do the same thing.
Mark 13
I grew up listening to ministers preach a “pre-tribulation” rapture, and I have believed it for most of my life. But recently as I read the Bible I see verses like the one here that have made me change my mind.
Matthew 23, Luke 20-21
There are so many things going on this time of year, it’s hard to find time for everything. In fact, it’s possible to become so focused on some good things that we actually lose our joy for the others. Maybe that’s what happened here…
Matthew 22, Mark 12
This is really something. I think I was just talking about this passage yesterday in my blog. And today, “boom” … here it is.
Mark 11, John 12
It’s early in the morning on a somewhat balmy day for November in Pennsylvania. After reading both of today’s chapters I have just settled into my chair to write, with a steaming cup of coffee and the aroma of pumpkin spice creamer wafting through the air. It doesn’t seem like Easter, but that’s where we are in the text.