1 Corinthians 1-4
Will be posting this devotion later in the day. Sadly, I must go help a friend pour concrete this AM. (The down side of having nice weather this late in the year).
Acts 18:19-19:41
It says here that Paul set sail for Syria (Antioch) and took Priscilla and Aquila with him. But a short boat trip later he says goodbye to them in Ephesus. I wonder why?
1 and 2 Thessalonians
The Thessalonians seemed to have their act together. What would Paul say to a Church that is doing exactly what they should be doing? What warnings and advice would he give them? What wouldn’t he bother saying?
Acts 17-18:18
Paul’s first missionary journey stayed on one continent, and was about 1500 miles long. His second journey crosses the Aegean Sea into Greece, and is twice as long. Stanford University put together a program that calculates cost of travel in the first century. Wanna know what that missions trip cost? Read on…
Galatians 1-3
I become excited as I read this today! Paul points out that we are true children of Abraham, and heirs to the riches in Christ. What good news! What a blessing! I can see how he would be frustrated by the Galatians reluctance to receive it.
Acts 15-16
Today as I read I am noticing some contrasts, which make me smile and nod my head in recognition. Paul and company had the same issues to deal with that we do. How they dealt with them remain a good example today.
James 1-5
The epistle is written by James the brother of Jesus, who was the leader of the church in Jerusalem. In modern terms it would a letter from the head of the company, or from the general manager of the store or plant.
Acts 13-14
This is Saul’s (Paul’s) first missionary journey. There are some truths here that servants who share the gospel should always remember.
Acts 11-12
Peter escapes from prison and then says “tell James what happened”? Hey Peter, I’ve got some bad news for you….. Wait a minute, the death of James happened before he went to prison..did we just find an error?
Acts 9-10
The conversion of Saul overshadows several other key events in today’s reading. I want to make sure that I don’t miss the significance of them in my meditation.
Acts 7-8
The Gospel begins to spread, and as it does persecution begins to rise. Why is it that persecution and revival are often linked?
Acts 1-3
Today is a significant day in our reading. Up until now we have been reading Gospels…that is, what Jesus said and did. Beginning today we read what disciples (people like you and I) were enabled to do. Read carefully, because nothing has changed…
Luke 24, John 20-21
Christ resurrected, appearing in power to His disciples in different settings to encourage them and give them “marching orders” . All of this is very familiar. What wasn’t familiar was the short sentence that seemed so out of place…
Matthew 27, Mark 15
The most significant event in all human history….in all history, really…and it’s covered in scarcely more than one chapter. It just proves that significance isn’t always synonymous with volume.
Luke 23, John 18-19
I finished reading this early this morning and began to pray. I prayed about what the day would bring, I prayed for people who popped into my head, and I prayed about what I might write. Just then I had a crazy thought, it was almost scary that I even thought it…
John 14-17
An enormous amount of material here, and no way to get through it all and do any justice to it. So, I think that I will make a few notes on some of the significant points in each chapter. Just enough to help me remember, and apply it to my life.
Matthew 26, Mark 14
Today’s reading seemed long…I suspect that’s just because we are covering some events that I don’t want to think about.
Matthew 24
Every time I say “I’m not sure exactly how to interpret End Times prophecy” Someone will share with me what they believe, as if it’s the only possible way to see it. It makes me laugh….I used to do the same thing.
Mark 13
I grew up listening to ministers preach a “pre-tribulation” rapture, and I have believed it for most of my life. But recently as I read the Bible I see verses like the one here that have made me change my mind.
Matthew 23, Luke 20-21
There are so many things going on this time of year, it’s hard to find time for everything. In fact, it’s possible to become so focused on some good things that we actually lose our joy for the others. Maybe that’s what happened here…
Matthew 22, Mark 12
This is really something. I think I was just talking about this passage yesterday in my blog. And today, “boom” … here it is.
Mark 11, John 12
It’s early in the morning on a somewhat balmy day for November in Pennsylvania. After reading both of today’s chapters I have just settled into my chair to write, with a steaming cup of coffee and the aroma of pumpkin spice creamer wafting through the air. It doesn’t seem like Easter, but that’s where we are in the text.
Matthew 20-21
Although Matthew is recording the some of the same things Luke does, He mentions a few details Luke doesn’t. I’m sure glad that more than one person wrote a “Gospel”…and I wish that there were more! Think of what we could learn!
Matthew 19, Mark 10
The problem with most marriages isn’t the spouse. It’s you. You are the problem. I thought someone should tell you…I mean, if we truly love one another, shouldn’t we say in love what we honestly believe will help? I promise you this: If you are willing to change you, or allow God to change you…then your marriage can be saved. Or would you rather that it ended? (that says something too).
Luke 17:11 – 18:14
Jesus offered some clues as to what the world would look like when He returned. Will His return catch Christians off guard?
John 11
Even though I have read this many times, I still get a chill when I imagine Jesus yelling “Lazarus, come out!”.