Jesus also moves on to call Matthew, a hated tax collector, to also be part of his group.
Jesus does not see people as we see them, as others see them. Jesus sees into the heart of people. He knew who he wanted to serve with him. Followers who weren’t perfect. Look at the twelve. They constantly struggle with what Jesus is telling them. But when Jesus returns to Heaven, he has a great group of leaders, they certainly aren’t perfect… but they are willing.
That is what he needs from us… not our perfection, but our willingness to serve. He will help us to become more like Him, we just need to allow the Spirit to work in our lives, to help us remove the temptations, to take away our apathy, to replace our defiant nature with one that is willing.
Peter and the others, had no idea what they had signed up for – but they were willing. The question for us, are we willing to follow when Jesus calls us? He isn’t asking us to get our lives in order first… or become sinless people… He knows us better than that. He knew the disciples better than that, he saw beyond their faults, he sees beyond our faults and wants us to follow.
Blessings on the day!
Pastor Kathy