So, let’s look at this verse “Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” (19:26)
Jesus looks at them intently. Intently. This means that what He has to say is very important. Have you ever had a parent or boss – look at you intently? You know you need to pay attention. Now, what does He tell them? There are things we can’t do on our own, in our own ability or strength. That is when we need to rely on the gift of the Holy Spirit. One of those things is forgiveness, we may be able to forgive on our own, but there are times when we can’t do it without the help of the Holy Spirit.
Up until now the way of salvation was for God’s people to follow a set of rules and then offer sacrifices when they sinned. But it was too difficult to continue to remain wholly (and holy) faithful to God and God alone. That is why Jesus says here in affect – you can’t be good enough on your own, no matter how hard you try. God must intervene and only through God can everything be accomplished.
Can we do things on our own? Absolutely, but what does it benefit us? Maybe here in this world, but we must rely solely on God for the eternal things.
So for the rich young ruler, he was confronted with what would keep him from giving himself completely to God. Ours may be very different. Not everyone is asked to give up their wealth. That’s not the point here. The point is what “sin” or “obstacle” is keeping you from fully committing your life to Jesus? That is the thing that you will need the power of the Holy Spirit to help you overcome.
Pastor Kathy