So yesterday, Jesus tells us to pick up our cross, because the cost of discipleship is difficult, then today he says “my yoke is easy and my burden in light.” What is going on here? Which way is it?
Well the truth is that they both are right. You see, Jesus is telling the people that the way of the Pharisees is too difficult a way for people to find salvation. Jesus’ way is so simple and it only requires of us to accept Him as Lord of our lives. If you look at the Law the people were trying to follow, you can see how hard it would be to live a holy life. But when we follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes into our lives and gives us the strength, the wisdom, the power to live a holy life. We no longer have to do it in our own strength or by our own will, for we now have the ability through the power of the Holy Spirit. The way of salvation is easy. But this doesn’t mean that there are never any hardships or that satan won’t try to attack you at every opportunity. That’s the cost of being a Christian. But even then, our hardships are not unbearable, not like they are when we don’t have Jesus in our lives. How do you think Paul and Silas were able to praise God while they were beaten and imprisoned? It was because of the Holy Spirit living in them. Doesn’t Paul say, “for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances
”? (Phil 4:11) How do you think he can say that if he felt the burden too difficult?
James says “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:2-4.
The cost might be high, but the rewards are incredible. When you look beyond the cost of discipleship, when you walk with Jesus, you will find that the way is easy and the burden is light.
Pastor Kathy