John 14

What could possibly be so important in this chapter that I would mention it at every single funeral I have ever done?
It’s John 14:6  “no one comes to the Father except through me”.   That single verse tells us that there is only one doorway between earth and heaven, and that’s Jesus Christ.   It also reminds us that there aren’t any other doorways.  Right?  “no one comes….except”.   So when someone says to you that all world religions are directing you to the same place, don’t you believe it.  And when they say that all Jews will go to heaven because they are God’s people….don’t you believe it.   There is one way into heaven, and having a personal relationship with Jesus is it.   In Matthew 7 Jesus says the gate is narrow and only a few find it.   In John 10 he says that He is the gate.  In Acts 4 it tells us that there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved.    On this point the Bible is very clear.   If you know Jesus, then you can enter heaven.  If you don’t know Him, then you can’t.   It doesn’t matter how many good deeds you did, or who your parents were.   Know Christ, or be left behind.  I say all the time “we must have a personal relationship with Jesus”
But how do you have a personal relationship with someone you can’t see, let along comprehend?   That’s where the Holy Spirit comes in.   Verse 15 says “if you love me you will obey my commands”.  There is no personal relationship with Jesus without obedience.   Again, in verse 23 it says “if you love me you will do what I say, and I and the Father will come and live within you.  If you don’t love me, then you won’t do what I say”.   These two verses show us the pathway to our personal relationship.   Obedience!    Don’t steal, don’t lie, confess your sins, don’t engage in sexual sins, honor your parents, and all the others.   The Bible is full of good advice that the Christian follows like they were commands.    I love my wife, so once in a while I say to her (sarcastically)  “Your wish is my command”.   That’s what the slaves would say to the masters, right?    So when I say to Jesus “your wish is my command” I read the Bible in a whole new way.   I am discovering what is important to Him, and I am applying those things to my life like they were commands.
If you have been a Christian for more than a few days, you realize that we cannot do this without help.   That’s why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit.  His role is one of comfort, education, and so much more.  He convicts us, helps us understand Scripture, and He’s the one who gives us the desire in the first place.   Without Him, there isn’t any way to live the Christian life successfully.   In my opinion, He deserves far more credit than He receives…but I suppose since He is the picture of humility that isn’t important to Him.
Continuing along the path with Jesus,

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