Basic Beliefs

Free Methodist Church of North America

Free Methodist Church of North America

           We are Free Methodist in doctrine and practice.
Here are some answers to questions we are most often asked: 
  • We are evangelical Christians. “born again”
  • We believe in loving the people, even when we don’t agree with their lifestyle. That shouldn’t be confused with approving of the lifestyle.
  • We believe Jesus Christ died so that “whoever will confess their sins” may enter into heaven.
  • If the Bible says it’s wrong, then it’s wrong, no matter what current public opinion says.
  • The Bible is our guide for Christian living, we don’t have a “companion book”
  • We believe in all the gifts of the spirit, as long as their practice is bringing attention to God and not the individual.
  • We believe that once you have asked God into your life, He will not easily let go of you, but it is possible for you to reject him and thereby            “lose” your salvation.    Maybe a better word would be that you “relinquish” your salvation.
  • We use several different Bible translations, NIV, NLT, KJV, NKJV, and various others.