Well, let’s back up a little; Elijah’s prophecy that not one of Ahab’s male descendants would survive has come true. (1 Kings 21:17-24). And he also prophesied that Jezebel would be killed and her body devoured by dogs. (1 Kings 22:23) Again, it was fulfilled. Now Jehu become king and tells them he is going to serve Baal even more than Ahab had. He calls together all the prophet of Baal and makes sure that none of the prophets or servants of the Lord were in the temple of Baal. (Because he wanted to spare their lives.) His intentions were to kill all of the servants of Baal and destroy Baal worship I Israel. Jehu may have gotten rid of Baal worship but he did not get rid of all of the idols.
Jehu did what God had wanted him to do, but he never became committed solely to God and when we try to walk the fence and keep our lives in both camps, we become lukewarm Christians. And we know that God doesn’t like lukewarm Christians (Rev 3:16).
We must make a commitment to serve God and only God. We must put away anything that takes our hearts off of serving Jesus. If you have something in your life that you put before God, you need to examine what that might be and pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to get rid of it. For Jehu it was golden calves, for us it might be drugs or alcohol or porn or gossip or maybe it’s just plain apathy, I just don’t care enough to get involved with a church and serving Jesus. What gods do you serve? Ask yourself these questions. Does the bible tell me not to do this? Does this “idol” keep me from serving and worshipping Jesus alone? Does my action benefit other believers? Does it help me to become a better Christian?
Examine your heart today and don’t be like Jehu only getting half the job done, instead be willing to go all in for Jesus. Be willing to give him your all in all.
Pastor Kathy