Before you can share with others, you must know yourself. Here’s what John knew, and what we should experience before we share.
The compelling power of the Gospel message is enhanced by personal testimony. The only thing of any value that I can add to the Bible is my testimony that “this is true, based on my experience”. This morning as I read, the words “what we saw with our own eyes and touched with our own hands” jumps out at me. Christianity is more than a historical teaching, it is current and practical, contemporary and relevant. You don’t have to be from the first century to see Jesus with your own eyes. In fact, I would argue that you can “see” Christ in ways that John never could, because John couldn’t see past the human manifestation of God in front of Him.
What evidence of God do you see? He is easily found in any creation. Do you see the reflection of Him in others? In “circumstances”? Do you see the “hand of God” in the unfolding of human events? Glance at children for only a moment and you will see the wonder and magnificence of God. Show up in any Christian church and God will manifest Himself in some way to you. Sure, some churches seem to be more “in tune” than others, but who are we to judge the efforts of another person?
Our goal should be to share the message that we have personally experienced. One glance inside us reveals brokenness, dysfunction and inability. The reality of Jesus is that He recreates a new person, from the inside out. Our sins are forgiven, our personalities are repaired, our ability to relate to God and to others is restored. What was broken is fixed, what was inoperable is now functioning…and the process continues.
Nothing says “this works” more convincingly than something that is working that used to be broken.
What’s your testimony? Are you sharing it?