1 Corinthians 2


But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. Vs 16

Can you imagine for just a minute, having the “mind of Christ?” I cannot. But here we are given another great gift. When we become a Christian, when we have accepted Christ into our lives, a transformation takes place and we look at things differently. I experienced this just the other night. I was out listening to some secular music with friends and I realized what I used to love to do, no longer holds any interest for me. The crude remarks, the language and actions that where taking place at other tables, just left me wishing I was somewhere else. But I remember when I used to find such crude behavior funny. It’s not that I don’t enjoy a good laugh, or still reel from my strange sense of humor… but it’s different.

This change doesn’t happen all at once. It can take place at different times and in different ways for each of us, because our Christian journey is as individual to us as our lives are.

One of the other things that Paul speaks about in this chapter is how he talks to different groups of Christians. (He will continue this thought in the next chapter.) Younger followers in the faith vs more mature Christians. It makes a lot of sense that you wouldn’t jump into deep theological discussions on transubstantiation or docetism with a new Christian. But the deeper you delve into scripture the more truths are revealed.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

We can’t even imagine what God has in store for us, but we also are promised by the Power of the Holy Spirit to have the mind of Christ.
We get a little insight into the person of Paul/Saul in this chapter. He describes in verse 3,“I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling.”
I actually find this description in contrast to how I imagined Paul spoke to any group. Boldly and zealously… but this leaves us with the notion that Paul didn’t see himself that way. The point here is that God uses us in His way and with His wisdom, if we will only submit to Him and continue to study His Word.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Kathy