Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love. Vs 13 & 14
From the earliest times of the church we see congregations helping other congregations. Jerusalem was in the midst of a crisis – a widespread famine was taking place and there were many poor Christians there without any means of support. (Acts 11:27-30)
We should also give generously. Look at Proverbs 11:24, a farmer wouldn’t think that scattering seeds is wasteful, right? The more he scatters the more plants will grow, and the more he will harvest. The more we scatter our resources to those around us (whether close by or far away) the more likelihood we will “harvest” or bring more people for Christ. Money or resources given to further the cause of Christ is money well spent.
Because Paul wanted them to collect the money before he got there, he wanted them to give from their heart and not out of some compulsion to give when he arrived, he would never need to know who gave and who didn’t. When we give to the church or to special causes, it should always be a matter between you and God. God will lay upon your heart what you should give, whether it is a 10% of your income (a tithe) or whether it is more – your offering.
Paul concludes his letter with some travel plans and a call to respect Timothy who will most likely be stopping by on his way to meet up with Paul. Timothy was young and often times the young are overlooked even though they are doing great things for Christ. I have served on the mission field with many young people who have a real heart and a real passion for serving. I heartily agree with Paul that we should respect the work that our young Christians do.
One other thing I noticed in these closing remarks of Paul. He gives his itinerary, but he also recognizes that his plans might be changed, because God might have other plans in mind. We should always be mindful of the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The saying is “if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans!” So, did Paul’s plans change? Be sure to catch tomorrows readings and you will find out.
In everything we do, we should be willing to be flexible and amendable to the Will of God. Paul is always open to the Spirit’s leading (Acts 16:6-10), are we?
Grace and Peace
Pastor Kathy