More lists and names and genealogy ahead in today’s reading. But as we read these names and places I want you to ask yourself this question. “Who belongs to the people of God?”
This list of names shows us that the Chronicler wants the two kingdoms of Israel, the Northern and the Southern kingdoms to unite as one. After all, don’t we all serve the same God? Why should there be separation? Yet we see it today in the many different Christian denominations. We keep trying to split ourselves into smaller and smaller groups, yet the truth is we need to be united in Christ. Isn’t that just what the enemy always tries to do? Divide and conquer? Let us instead stop polarizing ourselves and find unity in the truth of the Gospel. In the truth of Jesus Christ. I bet that if we stopped and listed the things we agree upon, there would be a lot more harmony than dissention. I am a Free Methodist and feel privileged to be called one, but I am a Christian first and a child of God.
Pastor Kathy